How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (2024)


A basic guide on how to make a world-map in HoI4 by a novice looking to assist others, credit to Rebelsj21 on YT.

Mise En Place (Tools, Resources, Preparation)


MapGen v2.2: Enabling sh*tty map designs since 2018 from hoi4modding

is what will allow you to make a custom map, its outdated, and its kind of unstable, but to my knowledge we have nothing better.

Notepad++[]Clean, easy-to-use, and lightweight, NP++ is a great program for what you’re going to need to do.


TextMechanic[] will be used in a later step so you can launch the game and actually be able to look at your map via Nudger.

BMP-DDS Image Converter[] is what you’ll need to convert certain files to DDS in order for the game to recognize them.

Launch Options

1. Right click Hearts of Iron IV, go to properties.
2. Select launch options, and in the text box, put in -debug

This allows you to log errors, utilize the debug tools, and view your map without having to make a new save.

Reading The Matrix (Glossary & Notes)

File Types

HOI4 mods utilize file types everyone may not know about, these are:

DDS[] (short for DirectDraw Surface) is an image format which compresses files using a unique S3 Texture Compression[] algorithm. Allowing a GPU to decompress the textures while in-game. One very important map file uses .DDS.

BMP[] (Bitmap) files are used to store 2D image files, this is used for things like flags and map files.

MOD files are used by Paradox Interactive games as a method of pointing the launcher to the specific mod folders as well as notifying the player if the mod is out of date or not. This can be opened using Notepad++

CSV files can be opened with Notepad++, they’re data files similar to TXTs where the information is usually separated via commas.

MapGen|Step 1 (LandInput.bmp)

LandInput.bmp is the basic shape of your world, it functions as a way for MapGen to differentiate between land, open-water, and closed-water regions. There are some requirements for this to function properly however.

It must be a 24-bit BMP file.

The resolution must be 5632×2048 in order to completely fill out the map (you can make a smaller map as long as it follows the aspect ratio (2.75) of the original.)

MapGen uses very specific hex color-codes. These are:
Land #9644c0
Ocean #051412
Lake #00ff00

Under no circ*mstances must there be any form of fade between the three colors, this causes errors with MapGen and makes things more difficult than they need to be. So keep the color-changing flat.

Now! Once you’re done making your map (be it through making it yourself, generating it via cloud generation in Photoshop/GIMP, or generating a heightmap,) export it as a BMP and drag/drop it into MapGen’s Land Input tab.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (1)

MapGen|Step 2 (TerrainInput.bmp)

TerrainInput.bmp is what controls what terrain types appear where, this too is controlled via a 24-bit depth 5632×2048 BMP file and uses colors to differentiate between biomes. These biomes have various different effects which can be seen here.[]
How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (2)
Desert #FF3F00 (Orange)
Forest #59C755 (Bright Green)
Hills #F8FF99 (Pale Yellow)
Jungle #7FBF00 (Green)
Lakes #00FFFF (Cyan/Light Blue)
Marsh #4C6023 (Deep Green)
Mountain #7C877D (Gray)
Ocean #0000FF (Deep Blue)
Plains #FF8142 (Pale Orange)

How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (3)
Feel Free to create your own TerrainInput file based off of your LandMap, for now though, we’ll just be using the “Generate Plains World” option within MapGen.
How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (4)

And here’s what all the biomes look like in-game, you’ll notice Lakes and Ocean aren’t visible, this is because of the fact that these are biomes exclusive to the ocean.

How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (5)

MapGen|Step 3 (ProvinceSizeInput.bmp)

ProvinceSizeInput.bmp dictates the distribution of your provinces[] across the map, white regions generate larger provinces while black regions generate far smaller, more dense provinces as well. This is simple, screw with the inputs until you’re satisfied.
How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (6)

MapGen|Step 4 (BoundaryInput.bmp)

BoundaryInput.bmp allows you to define the edges of provinces and what exactly the shape of specific states are, while you can make this yourself I have no experience in doing so and usually just rely upon the ProvinceMap tab in order to generate basic province shapes, then going into Nudger to shape them in-game.

MapGen|Step 5 (ProvinceMap.bmp)

ProvinceMap.bmp is what generates all the provinces on your map, nothing much else to say here.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (7)MapGen will also give you a .csv file you can name, title it whatever, then drop it in alongside your other mod files to use later. It’ll come in handy.

MapGen|Step 6 (StateOutput.bmp)

StateOutput is…Interesting.

Okay, let me make one thing EXTREMELY CLEAR HERE:

Provinces are the building blocks of States, states are incredibly complex, in turn, even though MapGen leaves the contents of each province (and therefore each state) blank (meaning they contain no resources or intrinsic value,) this one specific part of MapGen is the most unstable. It can and WILL crash if you ♥♥♥♥ things up, so its important to keep in mind how MapGen’s instability may cause it to crash when generating a smaller states.

Why is it so unstable you ask? Because each state consists of its own 0-2KB txt file, which means thousands (potentially tens of thousands, as my first attempts at making a map with a screwed up image created over 9000 files.) of files will be created unless you do this. Setting the sliders to shrink the amount of provinces will keep it much lower than that (I can’t even give a general range, islands will count as their own state no matter how small, oceans are divided into regions of their own, and landmasses are roughly cut into 3rds/4ths/5ths usually, so it could be as low as 200-300 or as high as 900-1200.)

Once you generate something to your liking, make sure you assign an EMPTY FOLDER for it to dump the state files into.

Are the state files dumped? Good. Now delete all of them but the 1st one. I’ll explain why to do this later, so if you’re hesitant, feel free to wait, I’ll reiterate at that point.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (8)

MapGen|Step 7 (HeightMap.bmp)

HeightMap.bmp controls…Well, the height, it also affects how the map looks visually alongside NormalMap.bmp and is affected by your TerrainInput.bmp.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (9)

MapGen|Step 8 (WorldNormal.bmp)

WorldNormal.bmp, dunno much about this and doesn’t really change much to my knowledge, just generate and save it.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (10)

MapGen|Step 9 ( affects how the map terrain looks cosmetically, applying the textures you specified back during your creation of TerrainInput.bmp (I also think its affected by HeightMap.bmp? I’m not sure.) However because its used to calculate where to apply textures, it must be converted as a DDS. Thankfully MapGen will pop-up a window once you save the file asking if you want to convert it to a DDS (which you should because its mandatory ya dingus.) Since I opted to generate a Plains world however, all you’re gonna see is mossy green with some occasional farms.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (11)

MapGen|Step 10 (RiverMap.bmp)

RiverMap.bmp is simple, it allows you to generate rivers leading to/from lakes and shorelines. Also affected by TerrainInput.bmp (Maybe affected by HeightMap?)How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (12)

MapGen|Step 11 (TerrainMap.bmp)

TerrainMap.bmp does a similar job as, applying terrain textures for things like cities, towns, and mountains. It is affected by TerrainInput much like is.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (13)

MapGen|Step 12 (Export to Game)

Export to Game exports your map with all the .bmp & .dds files you’ve created, packaging/organizing them and making it into a mod that gets dropped in your /Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts Of Iron IV/mod/ folder. Here you’ll give your map a name and direct MapGen to your file. And boom! You’re done…
How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (14)Nah, you thought it was that easy? There’s always a caveat with this kind of thing.

Here’s The Thing…

MapGen is out of date.

As of me writing this very sentence, it is Sunday, July 26th, 2020. It is 2:35 A.M here in my Florida home. The reddit post says its only a year out of date, so it can’t be THAT bad ri-How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (15)

MapGen 2.2 was released during the 1.5.* era. At the time of writing, HoI4 is on 1.9.3. So some edits are going to have to be made.

So What Now?

Its simple! Just requires the usage of Notepad++ And some basic copy-pasting of files from your base-game to the mod.

File Explorer|Step 13 (The Future Is Now, Old Patch!)

Step 1|Go to your DocumentsParadox InteractiveHearts of Iron IVmodTestcommoncountries directory as well as your HoI4 countries directory (C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonHearts of Iron IVcommoncountries.)

Step 2|Copy-paste all the country files from your HoI4 base directory to the mod’s country directory.

Step 3|Navigate to the National Focus directory in both your HoI4 AND mod directory (commonnational_focus.)

Step 4|Copy-paste the generic.txt file in your HoI4 directory to your mod directory.

Notepad++|Step 14 (I Know Kung-Fu.)

Step 1|Go to your .mod file, right click on it, click “Open In…” and select Notepad++

Step 2|Change the Supported Version from 1.5.* to 1.9.*

Step 3|Copy paste all these lines from the guide and put them at the bottom of your .mod file.


Step 4|Navigate to your states folder, then delete all but the first states file.

Step 5|Open 1-State_1.txt and set manpower to any number (110 is preferable,) then delete any numbers on Line 5.

Step 6|Ctrl-S to save the file as it is, then minimize it. Navigate to the .CSV file you saved way back when making your states.

Step 7|Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file and look at the second-to-last line, the first number you see before it gets separated by a semi-colon? That’s the number ID for the last province in the map. Copy that, and close out your CSV file.

Step 8|Open up TextMechanic, then copy-paste that final number in the “Ending at” box and click Generate. Click inside the output box, press CTRL+A to highlight every number that was just generated, then hit CTRL+C to copy.

Step 9|Navigate back to your 1-State_1.txt, and in the blank space on Line 5, paste all the numbers you just copied, hit CTRL+S to save, then navigate to your DocumentsParadox InteractiveHearts of Iron IVmodTestmapstrategicregions directory, click on Test Strategic Region, open it in Notepad++, and replace the numbers on line 5 with the TextMechanics list.

Step 15|Endsieg!

Navigate to your mods, disable ALL OTHER MODS you have installed currently, and look for what you named your world as. Enable that and launch the game. The game will take a while to load up and pop-up with a warning about how likely the game is to crash if you were to try and play a normal campaign, this is normal.

Now click on Nudge! And there ya go, it should work now.

Parting Notes

Map modding for HoI4 is trial and error, you’re going to need to make heavy use of the logs folder in your Documents/Paradox Interactive/HoI4 directory, while I would give troubleshooting here, I’ve spent 5 hours making this guide, use Google, and discuss your issues and ideas with other modders. I’d also HIGHLY recommend reading up on the HoI4 wiki’s Map Modding[] section.

Credit goes to Kingfish#3448 for his assistance in proofreading this guide as well as troubleshooting when my instructions didn’t provide a functioning map.

It’s 3:20 AM here in good ol’ Murica. I’ll see you guys around, good luck in your fellow modding adventures, and stay safe out there.How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (16)

How to Make a Custom World! – Steam Solo (2024)


How to make a custom world in Minecraft? ›

To customize a world by using a JSON file, it needs to be imported before world creation: in the world creation menu, go to "More World Options..." and select the "Import Settings" option. Then, select a world generation JSON file. A warning appears saying that custom worlds are experimental.

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In order to get a game on Steam, you need to register as a partner at Steamworks. You'll need to fill out some forms, pay a submission fee, and go through an onboarding process. Then you will need to create your store page, build the depots for your game, upload a game build, and set a price for your game.

How to make a custom URL in Steam? ›

Click on your display name on the top-right of the screen and then select View Profile from the dropdown menu. On the right-hand side of the screen, underneath your level, click Edit Profile. In the Custom URL field, type out your desired URL. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click Save.

How to make a new world on Ark? ›

Generate World Locally

Start your game and click on Local Game -> Create Procedural Ark. Configure your desired settings for the map and start the game. If you are satisfied with the map, open the Game.

Is safe? ›

WorldPainter does not contain any virus or malware! If your virus scanner says it does, it is a false positive.

How to make a custom map? ›

Create a map
  1. On your computer, sign in to My Maps.
  2. Click Create a new map.
  3. Go to the top left and click "Untitled map."
  4. Give your map a name and description.

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The Content and Services are licensed, not sold. Your license confers no title or ownership in the Content and Services. To make use of the Content and Services, you must have a Steam Account and you may be required to be running the Steam client and maintaining a connection to the Internet.

Does it cost money to make a Steam game? ›

Publishing your game is relatively easy and affordable. You only need to create an account and pay a one-time fee of US$100. As long as your game complies with the Steam Terms of Service, you'll be able to publish it on the platform.

Can I sell a game I own on Steam? ›

Does Steam Trading mean I can sell my used games? No. Only games that have been granted as an extra copy, and thus have never been played, can be traded. Once a Steam Gift is opened and added to your game library, you won't be able to trade it again.

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One of the amazing features you can find in Steam is an opportunity to create personalized player profile. First step you should take while building a fancy-looking custom steam profile - set up your custom Steam URL(also known as "Vanity URL").

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A Steam URL is a unique identifier for a Steam user or game. It is a string of letters and numbers used to access the user's profile or the game's store page on the Steam website.

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Just below the Join Ark button there is one that says Host Game. From here you can host a LAN game or play completely by yourself by selecting Play Local. Before you make your choice you are able to tweak several settings like difficulty, taming speed, exp boost, harvest amounts, respawn timers, etc.

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There are several ways to join the game: on an official public server, hosting your own game locally, or by building your own private server with an Ark VPS.

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In the host menu, select “Host/Local” and then “Start Non-Dedicated Session”. Have your friends search for the session name in the server list and join in. You'll all share the same world, with a tether distance from the host.

How to add a custom map in Minecraft? ›

Alternate Instructions
  1. Download the world file (usually in .zip or .rar ) format. ...
  2. Extract to a new folder (WORLD)
  3. Find the .minecraft or com.mojang folder.
  4. Look for the saves or minecraftWorlds folder.
  5. Copy-paste the (WORLD) to that folder.
  6. Open up Minecraft and find it in your selection of saved worlds.

How do I make my Minecraft world creative? ›

When you're creating a world, set the gamemode to creative. Or, if you're already in a world with cheats, type in /gamemode creative. I want to activate creative mode in my realms world on Minecraft.

How do you add a world template to Minecraft? ›

Click on the template you want to create. On the next screen, you will see a section at the top called "My World Templates." When you purchase a paid or free map from the Marketplace, it will first "download" the template to your machine. After it finishes, the map template will appear in this list.


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