HOI4 how to win WW2 as France - YTread (2024)

Okay, what's going on? Everyone, I'm Jamarcus and today we are going to try to win World War II as France, historically we are not going to do any strange strategy like attacking during the kingdom or winning a civil war where we are going. beat Germany historically and accurately, and yes, this will be like a SL tutorial for players. If you've ever had a hard time beating Germany like France, watch the full video and I'll show you step by step how to beat Germany, so first we're going to build some cves, so we'll max out Paris and a couple of other states with maximum infrastructure and we will try to stay away from the far north of the country that can follow Germany, so basically what we want is any state from Paris and below with full infrastructure and then next, We are going to devalue the Frank Focus CU that gives us less 5% of consumer goods and we want Head Start in Industry to give us the maximum amount of time to develop in Industry, since we already have a big deficit in industry compared to So, in Germany, in terms of research, obviously we will make sure that we have production and construction as always and we are going to do the technological approach of research so that in that way we can increase our speed of research, basically, since France does not have natural fuel and basically we do not have time to do adequate fuel, so we are not going to have an Air Force and we are not going to use any tanks.

We're going to focus solely on infantry, so let's get rid of that tank and convert to infantry. equipment and we're going to use that tank slot to do anti-aircraft. We will eventually make some trucks for supply purposes, but that will be later, so be sure to group your fleet and train them so they have experience. Whatever the reason, if you were to transport troops from Africa to France, we will have our fleet available to us as a convoy escort, so I like to use the agency function to help steal plans from Germany or whoever you want and basically to advance in our technology because I hate having outdated, sh*tty equipment, and since it's France, I really have three slots, I want to get the best technology possible, give us the best chance, since we're making this game, historically, issue a diplomatic objection and we .

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hoi4 how to win ww2 as france...

We will take the form of the popular Focus front, after that I would recommend Mechanical Computing so that we can get good research speed. You can improve your Army intelligence, as you will steal Army plans. I was very lucky and was able to get the early mobilization event, so obviously if you see that, make sure you take it, but if you're still stuck in the civilian economy, everything we're doing here should work and help you beat Germany and, By the way, as long as you have enough war support. take the start of the rearmament Focus because those four Mills are super useful take that the second you can for the spy tree take anything that helps you steal blueprints more efficiently and a couple focus on cryptology and that's pretty much it what you need and we I don't need to focus on the civilian economy or the Air Force, just focus on those few things that oppose research and apparently Germany didn't build any tanks so I didn't really end up using it but I would still give it a or two factories.

Just to be safe in case your AI decides to build some tanks once our initial set of civilian factories has been completed, we'll be building mills for the rest of the game. The most important part of the walkthrough sometime during 1938 is that We're going to build level 10 forts all over, so we're going to build under this river right here and we're going to build on the forest slabs here and then a level 10 for the plans and built some backup levels. five forts, but you probably don't need them if you get the level 10 forts first, okay, so the war started, so here I'm just getting my troops into position and basically not focusing on joining the allies, because Britain will eventually will allow you to enter the allies and will give you additional time to complete an Extra Focus, as you can see the Germans are stuck and there is nothing they can do so the only thing we will have to focus on is Africa and maybe.

Once the allies have control you can help push in Africa and Italy as well, eventually the Italians will push a bit because our defenses are weaker there, but once we have enough troops we will be able to push back as it is easy to maintain control. mountain mosaics, yes, that's it. I built some medium tanks and some mechanized ones as I also had the resources since we were holding the line, that way I could eventually make a breakthrough once the time was right and I started building some fighters to win. air superiority, but yeah that's it, after that you should be able to plan an attack and be Germany the n he ha n

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HOI4 how to win WW2 as France - YTread (2024)


Can you win as France in HoI4? ›

That being said, if a player takes control of France and is able to iron out all of the country's internal problems and strengthen the military-industrial complex enough before war breaks out, they are in a good position to repulse and defeat both Germany and Italy and annex both countries, thus ending those threats ...

How to win the war as Germany in HoI4? ›

There's a few steps you have to do.
  1. Boost party popularity in the USA from day 1. ...
  2. Build only military factories, you can get civilian ones and dockyards from national focuses and occupations.
  3. Use some dockyards to build convoys.
  4. Win the Spanish Civil War very quickly. ...
  5. Once this is done, keep world tension under 25%.
Jun 9, 2016

How did France respond to ww2? ›

To divert German forces from Poland, France invaded the Saarland region of Germany on 7 September 1939, but was forced to retreat. The Phoney War ensued until 1940, when the Germans invaded and overran northern France, forcing the British from the continent. France formally surrendered.

How did Germany win France in ww2? ›

Germany attacked through the Ardennes

With British and French troops rushing into Belgium to meet the German attack, German forces invaded France through the dense forests of the Ardennes. This move bypassed the Maginot Line and outflanked the Allies fighting in Belgium.

Why is HoI4 censored in Germany? ›

Hitler is censored in the German version to ensure compliance with German laws. Germany is understandably rather sensitive about the display of Nazi images. there are mods to uncensor the Face of Hitler.

What is the easiest country to start in HOI4? ›

  • 9 Mexico.
  • 8 Argentina.
  • 7 Nationalist China.
  • 6 German Reich.
  • 5 Sweden.
  • 4 Portugal.
  • 3 Kingdom Of Hungary.
  • 2 Dominion Of Canada.
Aug 11, 2024

Is there a command to win wars in HOI4? ›

HOI4 Winwars Command

This command will give your country the maximum war score for all wars it is currently engaged in. It should be noted that this command will only give war score for wars your country is a direct aggressor or defender in.

How to easily win a civil war in HOI4? ›

Usually the best way to win a civil war is to move quickly between gaps in the front line and grab victory points before the enemy can reinforce the front. Try to move into gaps where the enemy isn't defending, potentially even by naval invasions (if possible).

Why was France so weak in WWII? ›

A failure of leadership, a lack of strategic vision, a poor supply chain, a failure to operate with other services and allies all contributed to the fall of France in 1940.

Did the US save France in WWII? ›

The FFI made major contributions, assisting Allied armies pushing the Germans east out of France and past the Rhine. The military forces involved in the liberation of France were under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF).

What was Hitler's plan for France? ›

Hitler ordered a conquest of the Low Countries to be executed at the shortest possible notice to forestall the French and prevent Allied air power from threatening the industrial area of the Ruhr. It would also provide the basis for a long-term air and sea campaign against Britain.

Why was Paris not bombed in WWII? ›

Paris was considered to have too great a value, culturally and historically, to risk its destruction. They were also keen to avoid a drawn-out battle of attrition like during the Battle of Stalingrad and the Siege of Leningrad.

Why was Britain so weak in WWII? ›

As an island nation, Britain just did not have the manpower to be able to fight across so many global fronts. The Indian army provided a huge 2.5 million soldiers across the world. They were fighting in Burma, in North Africa and in Italy.

Did France surrender WWII? ›

On 22 June 1940, the French delegation signed the Armistice agreement imposed by Germany at the very location of the 1918 Armistice signing. This entailed France's surrender in the Second World War.

Does France win wars? ›

It participated in 50 of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495; more than any other European state. It is followed by Austria which fought in 47 of them; Spain in 44; and England in 43. Out of the 169 most important world battles fought since 387 BC, France has won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10.

What is the most difficult achievement in HOI4? ›

These are the best, hardest, and wackiest Hearts of Iron 4 achievements:
  • Bulgarian Powder Keg.
  • Assuming Direct Control.
  • It's 1812 all over again.
  • Sunrise Invasion.
  • Crusader Kings 2.
  • The People Have Stood Up!
  • Czechmate.
  • Bearer of Artillery.
Dec 13, 2022

Can a HOI4 game go on forever? ›

You can play as long as you like, and I've seen people go on runs until like 1980, but it gets very content-barren once focus trees start to run out of content.


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