One year later: Greek culture at FSU gains more oversight a year after Andrew Coffey's death (2024)

One year later: Greek culture at FSU gains more oversight a year after Andrew Coffey's death (1)

For years, “The Waltz”hadbeena popular tradition among Florida State University sororities.

Thecoming of age celebration was held for members who turned21.But this celebration didn’t include graceful movements on the dance floor.

Celebrants first would head to an off-campus location. They'd be joined by dozens of sorority sisters, carrying signs listing the 21 things they must do that night.

The initial meet-up would be followed by hopping on a party bus for stops at local bars or clubs for extended revelry and good times.

“It was a night of celebration by drinking to excess with all of your sorority sisters,” said Jessica Barloga, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and president of the Panhellenic Association at Florida State University, representing 17 sororities on campus.

“You were expected to get the drunkest you’ve ever been in your life,” she said. “I remember going to my first ‘waltz’ and thinking, ‘What is this?’ But it had been normalized. We didn’t think a thing of it because it had been going on for long.”

One year later: Greek culture at FSU gains more oversight a year after Andrew Coffey's death (2)

The ritual was an example of FSU Greek life that was fueled by excessive drinking, drug use and other high-risk behavior. Then on Nov. 3, 2017, Pi Kappa Phi pledge Andrew Coffey died at an off-campus frat party after he drank a bottle of bourbon.

Coffey's death rocked FSU, upended the campus's Greek system and plunged the administration, staff and studentsinto months of soul-searching,re-evaluation and recrimination.

Mom's reflection:Sandra Coffey on her son's death - 'It seems like it just happened'

Twelve months later, administrators,staff and leaders within the campus Greek community say Coffey's death was a turning point. The tragedy has ushered in a new era of accountability in which students are being held responsible for their actions. For its part, the university has invested money in staff and other resources to make sure rules are followed.

“We are attempting to be bold in addressing a very complicated cultural issue that has been around for decades,” Vice President of Student Affairs Amy Hecht said. "It is going to take us years to see a cultural shift.Our student groups are adapting to the new normaland they are working to move along with us coming into compliance with the new direction. But, it will take time. It’s still a work in progress.”

Fraternity death sparked alcohol bans, strict rules

Suddenly FSU was among four universities across the country last year with the reality of having one of its students deadas a result of alcohol abuse while involved in Greek life.

Upon learning of Coffey's death, FSU President John Thrasher immediately began conferring with Board of Trustees chairman Ed Burr and his own leadership team discussing the university’s response. A second meeting followed the next day, a Sunday.

By the following Monday afternoon, Thrasher, joined byHecht, imposed an indefinite interim suspension of Greek life. He also banned alcohol at all Recognized Student Organization events.

“I want to send a strong message that we have a serious problem and we have to deal with it,” Thrasher said at the time.

One year later: Greek culture at FSU gains more oversight a year after Andrew Coffey's death (4)

By the end of January, Thrasher partially lifted the ban, allowing for Greek organizations to resume recruitment and to engage in philanthropic activities. But the alcohol ban remained.

Behind the scenes, Hecht, whojoined Alpha Chi Omega sorority as an undergrad,andstaff in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life heldmeetings with Greek Council leaders.

The lifting of the ban coincided with theintroduction of tighter rules: Mandatory orientation sessions for those seeking Greek membership; a 2.5 GPA requirement, mandatory participation in risk management training, a renewed focus on health and safetyand the creation of a Scorecard, making Greek chapter activities more transparent thanever before.

More:Coffey criminal cases in limbo over hazing law clarification appeal

By March, Thrasher lifted the ban on alcohol, provided that measures announced in January were adheredto. The guidelines requirethird-party vendors be on hand when alcohol is served at fraternity and sorority events. Security also must be provided.

The university invested an additional $900,000 to hirestaff for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, toensure greateroversight, intervention and communication.

Members of Greek chapters must pay up to $150 a year to help offset costs.

About 20 percent of the student population are members of Greek organizations.

There are about 7,000 students in fraternities and sororities at FSU.

Addressing a "toxic" culture

Barloga, president of the Panhellenic Association, said the suspension, alcohol ban, the new mandatory training and FSU’s investment of resources all were needed to address.

The Panhellenic Association has banned "The Waltz."

“Our Greek culture was absolutely unsafe and toxic,” Barloga said. “Toxic is the best word I can use. There was no accountability across chapters for fraternity and sorority life.

“We would see things and turn a blind eye,” she said. “In a lot of ways, I could say Greek life was out of control."

Theshakeup allowed a much closer assessment of Greek life in terms of who was involved and what they were doing, Barlogasaid.

“I think that is where we first began to recognize a lot of our Greek community members have substance abuse issues," she said. "I think the suspension was the first time we had to confront those issues and reevaluate what it meant to be a contributing member."

Things are different now.

“This is not the Greek system that existed a year ago,” she said. “This is a new vision; a new motive and I hope people recognize how much has changed.”

Barloga has one fear.

“I think everyone’s biggest fear is that on the two-year anniversary, we will not remember Andrew Coffey. That in years to come, we will not remember Andrew Coffey. We want to remember so that we’re never in the same place again.”

Nick Wollerman, president of the Interfraternity Council, which oversees 16 fraternities at FSU, said he feels ushering in new practices will take time in changing a Greek culture that has operated one way for a long time.

“It’s difficult to change it in just one year but we have made significant progress in doing so,” Wollerman, a member of Kappa Alpha Order, said. A tangible result is better communication between fraternities and between Greek chapters and the administration.

“I would say IFC is in a better place than it was before,” he said, adding there is work to be done. “It is difficult to shift the attitude of the entire university.We are trying to be move proactive than reactive.”

Coffey’s death not only was a wake-up call for fraternities but for the university, he said.

“This has been happening across the country but no one thought it would happen at Florida State,” Wollerman said. “You think you are invincible, that nothing is going to happen. It hit extremely hard.”

Reforming Greek life: Not without challenges

Reforming Greek life at FSU since Coffey’s death has not been without incident.

Chi Phi was suspended for two years effective 2018 for providing alcohol to minors under 21 from incidents between September and October 2017.

In September, Alpha Epsilon Pi’s national office revoked its charter, closing the FSU chapter, after a member was hospitalized with a skull fracture following a fraternity tradition called “scumbag of the week.”

A 20-year-old member of the fraternity who was not a registered FSU student faces charges of culpable negligence inflicting injury and battery. In April, the group was put on disciplinary probation for the fall 2018 semester, probation from social activities and social and risk planning. It was found responsible for violations of hazing and property damage regulations.

Hecht says these cases arenot an indication FSU moved too quickly in lifting the suspensions.

"The suspension accomplished what we needed to accomplish in creating a plan," she said. "Fraternity and sorority life is a challenging area.”

But, she is not under the illusion the university will not face more incidents.

“I suspect we will have more challenges in the future,” Hecht said. “I can’t say for sure that no young person is going to make a mistake while at Florida State University, whether in Greek life or not."

Contact senior writer Byron Dobson at or on Twitter @byrondobson.

One year later: Greek culture at FSU gains more oversight a year after Andrew Coffey's death (2024)


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