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English [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 0.2MB, 📕 Book (fiction), lgli/R:\0day\eng\tuebl 111000 2015-02 files\Divine, L.-No Mercy.epub
No Mercy 🔍
Ebb & Flow Publications/L. Divine, Incorporated, Drama High 16, 2013
Divine, L 🔍
Misty and the rest of Esmeralda's evil brood are busy concocting a sinister plan to not only destroy Jayd and the rest of her powerful lineage, but Esmeralda and Rousseau are also using their powers to take over G's drug business. Mama's in and out of a dangerous dream state due to Esmeralda's wicked manipulation and unable to properly shut her evil neighbor down. Jayd's left to deal with her own clients, Mama's spirit business, and her drama-filled friends' lives. Somehow Jayd still finds time to manage her busy school schedule, getting to know her new beau, Keenan better, and spending more time with her best friend, Chase. Will Jayd crash and burn under the pressure, or will she grow into the young and powerful priestess she's destined to become?
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lgrsfic/R:\0day\eng\tuebl 111000 2015-02 files\Divine, L.-No Mercy.epub
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AacIdaacid__zlib3_records__20240809T223912Z__4143669__nnwPByKLZMWwTaes6WGmcu Collectionlibgen_rs Collectionzlib Collectionlibgen_li Filepathlgrsfic/R:\0day\eng\tuebl 111000 2015-02 files\Divine, L.-No Mercy.epub Filepathlgli/R:\0day\eng\tuebl 111000 2015-02 files\Divine, L.-No Mercy.epub Languageen File5458102 fiction_id1426764 Source Date2021-06-18 Fiction1426764 Fiction Date2015-12-07 MD5b041d5ee77676a75e8140ca2d885f250 Server Pathe/lgrsfic/1426000/b041d5ee77676a75e8140ca2d885f250.epub Torrentexternal/libgen_rs_fic/f_1426000.torrent Year2013 Z-Library4143669 Z-Library Source Date2019-04-08
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