At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools · online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (2024)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (1)

At Home Learning


Grade 3

Week 2

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (2)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (3)

ELA Grades 3 & 4 At Home Learning Choices Weeks 2 & 3

You can continue the reading, writing, and vocabulary work from Week 1 OR continue online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose Your Own Adventure” This is a two week English Language Arts and Literacy exploration. Students will choose between 4 different options to pursue. Each option still requires daily reading. The goal of the project is for students to grow and increase their learning with a project of their choice. There are different levels of independence, as well as choices for how to share their learning. (This work is adapted from educator Pernille Ripp). Enjoy! So what are the choices?

Choice To Do

Choice 1: The Independent Reading Adventure On this adventure, you will choose a fiction chapter book to show how well you understand the text. Read and either write or record your answers to questions that show your deeper understanding of the text.

See instructions below for “The Independent Reading Adventure”

Choice 2: The Picture Book Read Aloud Adventure On this adventure, you will listen to a picture book being read aloud every day by lots of wonderful people. Then you will write or record a response to a specific question every day.

See instructions below for “The Picture Book Read Aloud Adventure”

Choice 3: The Learn Something New Adventure Ever wanted a chance to learn more about a new topic? Now is the chance. Come up with a learning plan, learn more about your topic, and then show your learning when you return to school or virtually.

See instructions below for “The Learn Something New Adventure”

Choice 4: The Graphic Novel Adventure Want a chance to explore graphic novel writing? Read a graphic novel and then write your own. Write each day and be ready to share some of your great work when you return to school or virtually.

See instructions below for “The Graphic Novel Adventure”

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (4)

Choice 1: The Independent Reading Adventure On this adventure, you will choose a fiction chapter book to show how well you understand the text. Read and either write or record your answers to questions that show your deeper understanding of the text. Connect Four boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. The four boxes you choose must be included in your recorded or written response.

Choose Your Own Adventure - The Independent Reading Adventure

Book: Grab a chapter book to do this, if you do not have one at your house you can use Audible to listen to one or Epic Books or Libby/Overdrive. Choice in completion: You can either type this out in a document: Google Doc, Word, Etc. OR record this in a video or audio-only format.

Details for Written Response

● Write a healthy response for each section that requires a written answer, meaning a long paragraph. ● Include the title, author, genre of your book on the paper. ● Choose 4 elements to complete from the grid that are connected - they can be connected vertically,

diagonally, or horizontally. ● Do this by hand by printing it out or take a picture of it.

Required Details for Recorded Response

● Brainstorm what you want to say before you record. ● Make sure you name the book and the author in your recording. ● Make sure your response answers the questions fully. ● Choose 4 elements to complete from the grid that are connected - they can be connected vertically,

diagonally, or horizontally.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (5)

Connect four boxes vertically, horizontally, or diagonally to select your other four required elements.

Quotes: Copy down 3 meaningful quotes from the book and explain the meaning of each quote. Describe why it is important.

Character changes: How does your main character change throughout the story? Answer using evidence. Add two pictures or drawings that show what your character is thinking or doing.

Setting: Draw or describe a background that shows the setting of one or more important scenes for the characters.

Song: Find song lyrics that connect. Write the lyrics, including the song, artist, and a 2-3 sentence explanation of how the song related to the book.

Setting: Draw or describe a background that shows the setting of one or more important scenes for the characters.

Timeline: Create a timeline with 10 important events in the book. Each event must be a complete sentence.

Quotes: Copy down 3 meaningful quotes from the book and explain the meaning of each quote. Describe why it is important.

Character changes: How does your main character change throughout the story? Answer using evidence. Add two pictures or drawings that show what your character is thinking or doing.

Lessons learned: Add images and/or words to show lessons your main character learns throughout the book. Write about what the lessons teach them. Does this teach you any lessons?

Setting: Draw or describe a background that shows the setting of one or more important scenes for the characters.

Character changes: How does your main character change throughout the story? Answer using evidence. Add two pictures or drawings that show what your character is thinking or doing.

Quotes: Copy down 3 meaningful quotes from the book and explain the meaning of each quote. Describe why it is important.

Character changes: How does your main character change throughout the story? Answer using evidence. Add two pictures or drawings that show what your character is thinking or doing.

Quotes: Copy down 3 meaningful quotes from the book and explain the meaning of each quote. Describe why it is important.

Lessons learned: Add images and/or words to show lessons your main character learns throughout the book. Write about what the lessons teach them. Does this teach you any lessons?

Setting: Draw or describe a background that shows the setting of one or more important scenes for the characters.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (6)

Choice 2: The Picture Book Read Aloud Adventure On this adventure, you will listen to a picture book being read aloud every day by lots of wonderful people. Then you will write or record a response to a specific question every day.

Choose Your Own Adventure - Picture Book Read Alouds

Love picture books being read aloud? Me too! Here is your chance to listen to a different picture book being read aloud every day and analyze the book using the question asked each day. Project requirement:

● Watch the video posted for each day in the table below. ● Respond either in writing or by posting a recording of your answer.

Choice in completion: You can either type this out in a document: Google Doc, Word, etc. OR record this in a video or audio-only format Details for Written Response

● Write a response for each question meaning a long paragraph. ● You should use evidence from the read aloud. You can use either a quote (stop the video to write it

down) or write about a specific section of the picture book. ● Include the title and author of your book on the paper.

Details for Recorded Response

● Brainstorm what you want to say before you record. ● Make sure you name the book and the author in your recording. ● Start each recording by saying the question you are answering. ● Make sure your response answers the questions fully.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (7)

Day Title of Picture Book Video link Questions to discuss

Day 1 Your Choice Visit the LPS Virtual Read Aloud Page and choose a book to listen to.

What did the author want you to learn? How does the main character change throughout the story? How do you know?

Day 2 Each Kindness

What is the lesson of Each Kindness? How do you know?

Day 3 Your Choice Visit the LPS Virtual Read Aloud Page and choose a book to listen to.

What did the author want you to learn? How does the main character change throughout the story? How do you know?

Day 4 The Bad Seed

In the book, the people who surround our main character see a certain way - how do you think what others think about him changes his actions? How do you connect to this story?

Day 5 A Bad Case of the Stripes

Why is Camilla worried? What does she learn? What can this teach you about your own life?

Day 6 Your Choice Visit the LPS Virtual Read Aloud Page and choose a book to listen to.

What did the author want you to learn? How does the main character change throughout the story? How do you know?

Day 7 Wolfie the Bunny

What did Dot use as evidence for understanding Wolfie? How did her view influence how she viewed Wolfie? How does this relate to your own life?

Day 8 On the Day You Begin

How does our main character change throughout the story? How do you know? How does this story connect with your own life?

Day 9 The True Story of The Three Little Pigs

How does hearing the story from the Wolf show us what we have missed? What happens to our understanding if we only see one side of the story?

Day 10 Your Choice Visit the LPS Virtual Read Aloud Page and choose a book to listen to.

What did the author want you to learn? What language stood out to you? How does the main character change throughout the story? How do you know?

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (8)

Choice 3: The Learn Something New Adventure Ever wanted a chance to learn more about a new topic? Now is the chance. Come up with a learning plan, learn more about your topic, and then show your learning when you return to school or virtually.

Choose Your Own Adventure - The Learn Something New Project

Ever wanted a chance to learn more about a new topic? Now is the chance. Come up with a learning plan, learn more about your topic, and then show your learning when you return to school or virtually. Project Requirements:

● Choose something you want to learn more about - remember your topic should be something you don’t know much about and cannot find all of the answers in one place on Google. They will need learning from many sources or experiences to answer.

● Fill in the learning plan to show what you will be learning and how you will challenge yourself. ● Do the learning on your own or with your family. ● Create a product to showcase your learning - you have many choices of what to create.

Independence Expectations:

● This is a project that will require that you plan part of the project each day. You are not creating a day-to-day project, so you are expected to produce a larger final product to share your learning.

● The topic you choose to learn more about can be one that you already know something about or one that you know very little about.

● There should be NEW learning throughout, not just a summary of what you already know.

Details for End Product ● Your end product can take many forms: A podcast, a story, a presentation, a speech, or something else

you imagine. ● Your end product should showcase new learning for you. ● Record where you learned your information - the name of the book, website, person.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (9)

Day What is your plan for learning for this day?

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

What is your topic?

How much do you already know about this topic?____ Nothing____ Very little____ Some, but I can learn much more

How will this project challenge you?

What types of resources do you plan on using?

How will you know you have successfully learned something?

What do you plan on creating to show off your newfound knowledge? What is your end project idea?

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (10)

Choice 4: The Graphic Novel Adventure Want a chance to explore graphic novel writing? Read a graphic novel and then write your own. Write each day and be ready to share some of your great work when you return to school or virtually.

Choose Your Own Adventure - Graphic Novel Writing

Project Requirements:

● Read a graphic novel or comics. ● Think about your own story that you could write as a graphic novel. ● Write two or more pages each day in words and in pictures.

Independence Expectations:

● This is a project that will require that you plan part of the project each day. You are not creating a day-to-day project, so you are expected to produce a larger final product to share your learning.

● The graphic novel you choose to read should be a new one and the writing should be a new story. ● You can draw the graphic novel by hand, use a template, or make one online.

Day-by-Day Breakdown

Day What is your plan for learning for this day?

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (11)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (12)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (13)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (14)

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (15)

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Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Understanding of Multiplication Models

1 Show 3 3 5 by drawing equal groups of 5.

Show 3 3 5 by drawing an array.

Complete the equation. 3 3 5 5

2 Write an equation that matches the array.

3 Write an equation that matches the picture.

4 Use words to describe the drawing for problem 3.


Typewritten Text

Grade 3 Math Week 2

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (16)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 5


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 2, 5, and 10


1 5 3 2 5

5 10 3 5 5

9 3 3 10 5

13 4 3 10 5

2 2 3 5 5

6 5 3 10 5

10 10 3 3 5

14 10 3 4 5

3 2 3 10 5

7 6 3 2 5

11 7 3 2 5

15 5 3 4 5

4 10 3 2 5

8 2 3 6 5

12 2 3 7 5

16 4 3 5 5

17 2 3 2 5 18 5 3 5 5 19 10 3 10 5

20 What patterns do you notice in the problems? Explain.

21 Draw a model to show how you solved one of the problems.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (17)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 6


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 0 and 1

Write the missing digits in the boxes to make each multiplication problem true.

3 3 1 5

1 3 7 5

3 1 5 3

0 3 7 5

4 3 5 0

3 9 5 9

5 3 1 5

4 3 5 4

3 8 5 0

1 3 0 5

9 3 5 0

3 6 5 0

Write two factors to make each multiplication problem true.

Write a digit in the box to make the multiplication problem true. Then use words to write about the groups.

3 0 5 0

3 5 5 3 5 7 3 5 2 3 5 1

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (18)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 7


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 3


1 2 3 3 5

5 5 3 3 5

9 9 3 3 5

13 8 3 3 5

2 3 3 2 5

6 3 3 5 5

10 3 3 9 5

14 3 3 8 5

3 10 3 3 5

7 4 3 3 5

11 1 3 3 5

15 6 3 3 5

4 3 3 10 5

8 3 3 4 5

12 3 3 1 5

16 3 3 6 5

17 7 3 3 5 18 3 3 7 5 19 0 3 3 5 20 3 3 3 5

21 Tell how you could check that your answer to problem 9 is correct.

22 Draw a model to show how you solved one of the problems.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (19)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 8


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 4


1 2 3 4 5

5 7 3 4 5

9 1 3 4 5

13 4 3 3 5

2 3 3 4 5

6 6 3 4 5

10 4 3 5 5

14 4 3 2 5

3 10 3 4 5

7 8 3 4 5

11 0 3 4 5

15 4 3 1 5

4 5 3 4 5

8 9 3 4 5

12 4 3 10 5

16 4 3 4 5

17 Tell what strategy you used to solve 6 3 4.

18 Draw a model to show how you solved one of the problems.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (20)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 9


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 6


1 5 3 6 5

5 7 3 6 5

9 9 3 6 5

13 6 3 3 5

2 3 3 6 5

6 4 3 6 5

10 6 3 5 5

14 6 3 2 5

3 10 3 6 5

7 8 3 6 5

11 0 3 6 5

15 6 3 5 5

4 2 3 6 5

8 1 3 6 5

12 6 3 10 5

16 6 3 6 5

17 Tell a strategy you can use to show 5 3 6.

18 Explain how problem 2 and problem 13 are related.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (21)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 10


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 7

The answers are mixed up at the bottom of the page. Cross out the answers as you complete the problems.

1 3 3 7 5

4 2 3 7 5

7 7 3 0 5

10 5 3 7 5

13 7 3 2 5

16 7 3 1 5

2 6 3 7 5

5 9 3 7 5

8 10 3 7 5

11 7 3 3 5

14 7 3 10 5

17 7 3 5 5

3 8 3 7 5

6 1 3 7 5

9 4 3 7 5

12 0 3 7 5

15 7 3 4 5

18 7 3 7 5


















At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (22)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 11


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 8

The answers are mixed up at the bottom of the page. Cross out the answers as you complete the problems.

1 2 3 8 5

4 3 3 8 5

7 0 3 8 5

10 5 3 8 5

13 8 3 2 5

16 8 3 7 5

2 6 3 8 5

5 9 3 8 5

8 10 3 8 5

11 8 3 3 5

14 8 3 10 5

17 8 3 5 5

3 7 3 8 5

6 1 3 8 5

9 4 3 8 5

12 8 3 0 5

15 8 3 4 5

18 8 3 8 5


















At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (23)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 12


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Multiplying with 9

The answers are mixed up at the bottom of the page. Cross out the answers as you complete the problems.

1 1 3 9 5

4 2 3 9 5

7 0 3 9 5

10 5 3 9 5

13 9 3 2 5

16 9 3 7 5

2 6 3 9 5

5 8 3 9 5

8 10 3 9 5

11 9 3 3 5

14 9 3 10 5

17 9 3 5 5

3 7 3 9 5

6 3 3 9 5

9 4 3 9 5

12 9 3 8 5

15 9 3 4 5

18 9 3 9 5



















At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (24)

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. 13


Fluency and Skills Practice

©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use.

Using Order to Multiply

Write the missing numbers in the boxes to make each multiplication problem true.

5 3 6 5

6 3 5 5

3 3 8 5

8 3 3 5

9 3 2 5

2 3 5 18

3 10 5 70

10 3 5 70

2 3 6 5

6 3 2 5

4 3 7 5

7 3 4 5

3 5 5 15

5 3 3 5

3 5 5 10

5 3 5 10

4 3 5 5

5 3 4 5

5 3 9 5

9 3 5 5

7 3 8 5

3 7 5 56

3 3 5 12

3 3 5 12

1 Look at 6 3 5 and 5 3 6. How does the order of the factors change the product?

2 Draw two arrays to show 4 3 7 and 7 3 4.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (25)

8 Figure It Grade 3


animal taleWhat do a shark, a mouse and a dog have in common?

For each of these, draw a straight line to the correct answer in the middle. The line will pass through a number and a letter. Write the letter above its matching number at the bottom of the page. Some answers are used more than once.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

6 – 1

7 – 5

8 – 2

9 – 1

5 – 1

9 – 6

8 – 3

6 – 2

5 – 3

4 – 1

8 – 1

7 – 3

9 – 7

7 – 4









7 – 2

8 – 6

9 – 4

7 – 1

6 – 3

4 – 2

8 – 4

5 – 2

9 – 2

3 – 1

9 – 3

9 – 5

8 – 5
























S 11
















The first one has been done for you.




At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (26)

9Figure It Grade 3

A Dog’s LifeHow many pure breeds of dogs are there?

Figure out the answer to each of these. Then use the answer and its matching letter to find and shade a square in the grid below. The letter is the column and the answer is the row. The first one has been done for you.


F 14 – 8 = 6D 17 – 9 =

F 12 – 7 =

J 10 – 6 =

G 16 – 8 =

B 13 – 7 =

J 11 – 6 =

C 15 – 8 =

H 14 – 6 =

F 16 – 9 =

B 16 – 7 =

H 13 – 6 =

G 14 – 9 =

D 17 – 8 =

J 14 – 7 =

H 12 – 6 =

F 15 – 7 =

C 18 – 9 =

J 15 – 9 =

H 13 – 8 =










At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (27)

Weather Scavenger Hunt Activity

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Materials:Weather questions worksheet (pages 2-3)18 weather fact cards (pages 4-8)Tape and scissors

PreparationPrint the fact cards on card stock or brightly-colored paper and cut them apart along the dotted lines.

Make copies of the weather questions worksheet (2-sided). Each student will need his or her own copy.

Hide all 18 weather fact cards around your classroom where students will be able to find them. You can put them on the back of your classroom door, on chairs, on the computer keyboard, on the sides of student desks, or wherever you like.

ActivityStudents receive copies of the question worksheet. They have to search the classroom to find the fact cards to answer the questions.

After they have completed the question sheet, you can go over the answers together with the class.

Management tipsYou may want to make this a silent activity so students don't share answers with each other.

You can have the kids work by themselves or with partners.

Don't be afraid to hide the facts in tough places. Kids think it's more fun when they have to search around a little.

Examples of good hiding spots might include:

• sticking out of a book, like a bookmark• the back of the classroom door• layingflatonthebookshelf• on the back of the teacher's chair• on the side of your computer monitor

Have a plan for students who finish early. You may want to have an assignment for them to complete when they're done, or you may have them help other students find fact cards.

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (28)

Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

The average lifespan of a tornado is only about 10 minutes.

On July 10, 1910, the temperature in Death Valley, California reached 134°F (57°C). This is the hottest temperature ever recorded in the United States.

The sunniest city on Earth is Yuma, Arizona. 91% of the daylight hours in Yuma are sunny, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

On July 21, 1983, the temperature at Vostok Station in Antarctica was -128°F (-89°C). This is the coldesttemperature ever recorded on Earth.





Super Teacher Worksheets -

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (29)

Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Wind speed is measured with an instru-ment called an anemometer.

Wind direction is measured with a wind vane. Humidity is the amount of water

(or moisture) in the air.

Lightning can reach over50,000°F (27,700°C). This is hotterthan the surface of the sun!

The driest state in the USA is Nevada. It receives only about nine inches of rainfall per year.

The wettest state in the USA is Louisiana. On average, Louisiana receives about 59 inches of rain per year.





Super Teacher Worksheets -

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (30)

Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Cumulus clouds are fluffy, white clouds that look like cotton. Low, flat, gray clouds are stratus clouds.

The safest place to be when atornado is near is in the basem*nt of a house or building.

Lightning is attracted to metal and water. Lightning does not usually strike things made of rubber or plastic.





Crickets chirp faster when the temperature is warm. They chirp slower when the temperature is cool.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (31)

Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Fact Card


Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

Fog is a cloud that is near the ground.

The weakest hurricanes are called “Category 1 Hurricanes.” The strongest hurricanes are called “Category 5 Hurricanes.” Category 5 hurricanes have winds stronger than 155 miles per hour (249 kilometers per hour).

Before 1979, all hurricanes had female names. From 1979 on-wards, hurricanes were given both male and female names.





A waterspout is a tornado over water.

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (32)

Fact Card

17Fact Card

18Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt

Someone who is trained to predict the weather is called a meteorologist.

Rainbows can form after a rainstorm. They are most likely to form in the early morning or later afternoon when the sun is low in the sky.

Weather Weather

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (33)

Super Teacher Worksheets -

Weather Scavenger Hunt

Side A

Fact Card 1: What is the average lifespan of a tornado?


Fact Card 2: What is the sunniest city on Earth?


Fact Card 3: What was the hottest temperature ever recorded in the United States?


Fact Card 4: What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States?


Fact Card 5: What is the name of the instrument used to measure wind speed?


Fact Card 6: What is humidity?


Fact Card 7: How hot is a bolt of lightning?


Fact Card 8: What is the driest state in the United States?


Fact Card 9: Where is the safest place to be during a tornado?


Name: ____________________________ Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (34)

Fact Card 10: Name two things that lightning is attracted to.


Fact Card 11: Do crickets chirp faster or slower when the weather is warm?


Fact Card 12: Whatarefluffy,cotton-likecloudscalled?


Fact Card 13: What is fog?


Fact Card 14: How are hurricane names before 1979 different from those after 1979?


Fact Card 15: What is a waterspout?


Fact Card 16: How fast are the winds in a category 5 hurricane?


Fact Card 17: During what time of the day are rainbows most likely to form?


Fact Card 18: What is a meteorologist?


Super Teacher Worksheets -

Side B

Weather Scavenger Hunt

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (35)

Weather Scavenger Hunt

Fact Card 1: What is the average lifespan of a tornado?


Fact Card 2: What is the sunniest city on Earth?


Fact Card 3: What was the hottest temperature ever recorded in the United States?


Fact Card 4: What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States?


Fact Card 5: What is the name of the instrument used to measure wind speed?


Fact Card 6: What is humidity?


Fact Card 7: How hot is a bolt of lightning?


Fact Card 8: What is the driest state in the United States?


Fact Card 9: Where is the safest place to be during a tornado?


10 minutes

Yuma, Arizona

134 ° F or 57 °C

-128 ° F or -89 °C


the amount of water (moisture) in the air

over 50,000 ° F (or 27,700 °C) Also accept: Hotter than the surface of the sun.


in the basem*nt of a house or building


Super Teacher Worksheets -

Side AGrade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (36)


Fact Card 10: Name two things that lightning is attracted to.


Fact Card 11: Do crickets chirp faster or slower when the weather is warm?


Fact Card 12: Whatarefluffy,cotton-likecloudscalled?


Fact Card 13: What is fog?


Fact Card 14: How are hurricane names before 1979 different from those after 1979?


Fact Card 15: What is a waterspout?


Fact Card 16: How fast are the winds in a category 5 hurricane?


Fact Card 17: During what time of the day are rainbows most likely to form?


Fact Card 18: What is a meteorologist?


metal and water


cumulus clouds

a cloud that is near the ground

Before 1979 all hurricanes had female names; since 1979 they've had both male and female names.

a tornado over water

over 155 miles per hour or 249 kilometers per hour

in the morning or evening when the sun is low in the sky

a person trained to predict the weather


Super Teacher Worksheets -

Side B

Weather Scavenger Hunt

Grade 3 Science

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (37)

Headlines Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Class: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _

Directions: Create a newspaper headline that summarizes the most importantinformation about a certain topic. After learning more about this topic, write a newheadline that captures what you learned.

My 1st Headline:



Explain: How does this headline capture the most important information about yourtopic?




My 2nd Headline:



Explain: How did your headline change based on what you learned?





Grade 3 Social Studies

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (38)

This article is available at 5 reading levels at

Massachusetts: The Bay State

French King Bridge in Massachusetts. This state is very beautiful in the fall when the trees change color. Photo from: GettyImages/Noppawat Tom Charoensinphon.

The history of Massachusetts starts 12,000 years ago. That is when people first lived

there. Thousands of years later, Native Americans lived on the land. The Mohegan was one of

these tribes.

Then, in 1620, a ship arrived at Cape Cod. It was named the Mayflower. It carried people called

Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were from England. They came to America for a better life. They wanted to

be religious in their own way. They could not do that in England.

The Pilgrims founded Plymouth. It was the first place in New England where people from Europe

settled. New England is an area of the northeastern United States. It was named because the

settlers were from England.

Soon after, the Pilgrims enjoyed a feast. They shared it with the Native Americans. This meal was

the first Thanksgiving.

In 1776, the Revolutionary War started in Massachusetts. At that time, Massachusetts was one of

13 colonies. England controlled them. The colonies soon declared independence from England.

By National Geographic Kids, adapted by Newsela staff on 05.22.17Word Count 554Level 330L

Grade 3 Social Studies

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (39)

This article is available at 5 reading levels at

They wanted to be free. The war's first battle took place in Concord, Massachusetts.

Six years later, the war ended. The colonists won. They would form a new country: the United

States. Massachusetts became a U.S. state in 1788.

Why Is It Called That?

The name Massachusetts might be Native American.

There was a tribe called Massachusett. Its name

means "near the great hill." The hill means the Blue

Hills. They are near Boston, Massachusetts.

Massachusetts has a nickname, too. It is called the

Bay State. The state has many bays. A bay is an area of

water. Land partly goes around it.

Geography And Landforms

Massachusetts touches five other states. New

Hampshire and Vermont are to the north. Rhode

Island and Connecticut are to the south. New York is

to the west. Massachusetts touches an ocean, too. The

Atlantic Ocean is to the east.

Part of Massachusetts sticks out into the sea. It looks like a big hook. The land was formed by

melting glaciers. Today, this land has hills. It is very wet.

The middle of the state has small hills. Here, you will see flat lands and streams. In the west,

Massachusetts has mountains. Mount Greylock is the state's highest point.


Many animals live in Massachusetts. Black bears and deer live in the woods. In some places, there

are moose! Eagles and robins fly in the sky. The Eastern newt likes lakes. This is a tiny

salamander. Watch your step near the water: This creature is only 5 inches long!

The American elm is the state tree. Sugar maple trees grow in the state, too. So do many

wildflowers. One is called black-eyed Susan. It looks like a yellow daisy with a black center.

Natural Resources

Massachusetts is on the Atlantic Ocean. Fishermen catch all kinds of fish there. They sell the fish

for people to eat.

The state has rich dirt, too. Farmers grow many crops. Cranberries are an important crop here.

Fun Stuff

Do you like chocolate-chip cookies? They were first made in Massachusetts! This sweet treat was

invented in the state.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (40)

This article is available at 5 reading levels at

The author Theodor Seuss Geisel was from

Massachusetts. Most people know him by another

name: Dr. Seuss. What did he write? "The Cat In the

Hat," of course!

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools· online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (41)

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Grade 3 English Learner

Directions: Write a sentence explaining what is happening in each picture.

At Home Learning Resources - Lowell Public Schools · online learning using tools like iReady, Lexia, Scholastic Learn OR complete the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Learning “Choose - [PDF Document] (2024)


What are resources in a lesson plan? ›

Resources in a lesson plan include video and audio, interactive programs, images, documents, lesson plans, and student activities relating to state standards.

What is the learning procedure in a lesson plan? ›

Your lesson procedure is an in-depth explanation of how the lesson will progress in the classroom. The lesson procedure is essentially step-by-step instructions that walk you through everything from the time students enter the classroom until the bell rings at the end of the period.

What are the 5 methods of teaching? ›

List Of Teaching Methods
  • Teacher-Centered Instruction. ...
  • Small Group Instruction. ...
  • Student-Centered / Constructivist Approach. ...
  • Project-Based Learning. ...
  • Montessori. ...
  • Inquiry-Based Learning. ...
  • Flipped Classroom. ...
  • Cooperative Learning.

What are the 7 instructional materials? ›

Types of instructional materials
PrintTextbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides, manuals
VisualCharts, real objects, photographs, transparencies
AudiovisualSlides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia, DVDs
Electronic InteractiveComputers, graphing calculators, tablets
1 more row

What is a good lesson plan? ›

Lesson plans should always be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Start with identifying what you want your students to learn and identify different ways to achieve that at the end of class. The lesson objectives will guide the teaching method, learning activities, and assessment.

What are the 5 step lesson plan? ›

It helps students learn new material and understand how the individual lesson fits in with their general knowledge. Additionally, it helps teachers keep tabs on student comprehension. The five steps involved are the Anticipatory Set, Introduction of New Material, Guided Practice, Independent Practice and Closure.

What are examples of teaching resources? ›

Teaching and learning resources
  • text books and novels.
  • film and television.
  • plays.
  • radio programs and podcasts.
  • multimedia, applications, software, platforms and games.
  • social media.
  • digital learning resources including video, audio, text, websites, animations and images.
  • lectures.
Dec 4, 2023

What does resource mean in teaching? ›

A teaching resource is a material that is designed to help facilitate learning and knowledge acquisition.

What are examples of material resources? ›

Material resources are materials found in the natural world that have practical use and value for humans. Material resources include wood, glass (which comes from sand), metals, edible plants, and plastics (which are made from natural chemicals). Renewable material resources, like glass, can be re-created easily.


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.